Thursday, July 08, 2004

Still in Chicago

This is going to be how I keep up on the homefront. I CAN'T BELIEVE I'M GOING!! Ok, so I'm super nervous. I've never stayed in India longer than 3 months, let alone a year!! Made a mental list of all the things I miss every time I'm in India....

*swimming pools
*Air conditioning
*clean streets
*certain legal reprecussions
*blending in, and not representing a whole country
*being able to communicate (yeah, this one's huge)
*strong showers
*easy access to friends/family
*tank tops
*men w/ boundaries
*driving (I would never drive in India.. they're CRAZY!!)
*my independence

With that being said, my passport is still valid and I just got my visa done. Holy God, am I really going??? Yeah. Yeah, I am. EEEEEEP!

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