Rishi and I came to A'bad for two days. Took this rickety sleeper bus .... I had a slight panic attack at how tight the space was. Man, I am so glad I am not claustrophobic! Luckily, the windows were huge, so it wasn't so bad.
Went out for Navrathri, a huge holiday/event in Gujarat.... we were out dancing until 4 or 5 in the morning. It was beautiful. Everyone was in super traditional Gj clothes, dancing til it hurt, improvising steps everywhere. Good times.
Rishi almost stepped on a cobra outside his bhunga door one night last week. Luckily, the neighbor saw it and stopped him mid step. So Rishi comes running over, 'hey, wanna see a snake?'... I'd never seen a cobra outside of a zoo. One of the villagers hit the snake with a stick ... the cobra fans out, like they do in movies... the villager and the snake duked it out for a while... the villager won 1-0. What? I live here?
Vince, Happy freakin Belated!! Sorry I forgot!!!... meaning I didn't not forget--- explanation below.
Other than that, all is good. Planning out Diwali break--> going to Mumbai w/ about 6/ 7 indicorps people ...
the project is kicking into high gear...
word on the street (aka from Sanjay) is that my paintings sold !!! (though it has yet to be confirmed) aaaaa!!!! Ok, gotta go.
peace y'all.
That is the highlight of my week. Thank you for remembering, albeit a month late. You have tons of other more important things to remember than my b-day being in India. Miss ya much here and maybe you'll get a mini snail package...if it reaches the desert.
Noooo, Anonymous Vince! ... I didn't forget... I just kept not remembering until the moment I got off of the computer. Ooops!
Ay, you have yet to tell me in on what happened at the last show! Like the infamous words of Craig David, Can you fill me in? (Aaaaaa! How can you be friends w/ someone so cheesy???) :)
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