
"Step Over"
JOT Summer 2006 edition
C Clements
I have been branded to indignation brazenly
outlawed on WALL STREET for hobbling past the
BOARD of TRADE like a mummy wrapped in
ticker tape.
I have been banned from city parks for spoiling grilled
steaks by jogging past them in the nude.
Have been bounced by local libraries for scaling the
stairs shouting German manifestos then SLIDING DOWN the
Ritalin rusH-H-H!
I Archomelodramsus was born under a black and white rainbow symbol of
Therefore my pot is filled not with gold but with hobo stew.
At an early age I was crowned a child-king of the turfs of beggars.
From that day on I slept in the finest palaces known to the gutter.
Now I move like a gypsy in & out over & under top to bottom always
down and out
sometimes working for MENSA as a washroom janitor—
Flushing commodes overflowing with the urine of genius.
In my spare eternity I write innumerable poems to justify my
numerous justifications.
A tragicomedic shadow on the walls of reading rooms where I am
characterized as obscure obsessed and obscene. And so I am!
As an erotic poet I limit my verse to inspired moans.
A salacious licker of pernicious…stamps!
An excommunicated germ in a cathedral of devout streptococci…
A pubic hair in the Quaker’s virgin oatmeal!
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