Friday, October 21, 2005

Ah, badmash...

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

testing pics-- meeeeeeeeeeeep! it works! Holy lord!!! so excited...

Anyway, this is me with Rama and Bucha, two of my favorite girls in Ludiya.

about change

“Every one of us wants to make a difference,” he says, “but the whole world conspires to tell you that you can’t — the prevailing messages are all about inaction and cynicism. I learned early in my life that not only can you make a difference, you don’t have a choice. You might think that as long as you’re not choosing to do bad, you’re not making things worse. But that’s not true. You’re always making a difference, one way or another, whether you acknowledge it or not.”
-->Andy Lipkis

Friday, October 14, 2005


My grandfather has forever been one of the most self-sufficient, energetic individuals. My brother and I would have to run to keep up with him when we lived at his house in India; common knowledge for anyone that's ever met him.

Recently, he fell ill and needed an operation, yet a simultaneous heart attack/
stroke/ dangerously low blood sugar postponed it. My Dada being sick, or weak, is like the universe being flipped on its head, like rain falling up or fire being cold. Completely inconcievable.

Well, his health finally stabilized enough for him to be able to get his operation a day ago. I talked to him when he got home. He sounded like a rockstar... Happy and energetic and ready to take on the world. As always. The 80 year old I will be one day.

And, as though his recovery wasn't enough, when I asked him what he wanted for his upcoming 80th bday, he says,

Just come home soon. You comprise everything that makes me happy into one package.

The world's got nothing on me today.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Plugging back in

Ok. I apologize. The cell phone fell out of my pocket while riding a cab. Apparently, caught my friends' cell phone curse (who've dropped their phone in the toilet, the bathtub, walked into the ocean with it in their pocket, down flights of stairs....) :) No names will be mentioned to protect their honor, and chances at an eventual presidential campaign.

In any case, my phone is back in action. Same #. 9825503561.

Navrathri starts today: 9 nights of dancing... and, consequently, no sleep for a while. Ramadan starts tomorrow as well. Too excited.

I'm out.