Wednesday, August 18, 2004

quick update

can't talk long... but wanted to update while i had access to a computer.

whoa. squared. orientation day one: I'm thinking they will ease us into this experience.... oh no. after the flag raising ceremony for Independence day, and some team games.... a BUS FULL of kids 10-14 yrs old (like 80 of them total) come in from the Gandhi Ashram (a boarding house for kids of migrant laborers) and we are each to 'adopt' 3 kids for the day and take them to an amusement park. (WHA?!?!) They didn't speak any, let me repeat, any english.... but somehow kids' languages, music and games are universal. I feel like I've been running non stop since then. They have packed a LOT into this month of orientation where every moment is running late for the next meeting. Including a reader we have to finish .... 1140 plus pages!!! Wow. Not that I mind; I'm a huge reader and actually excited to get my hands on anything that will better prepare me for this year.

Sidenote reply to an email I got earlier (and yeah, I'm glad you didn't post it...) ... that sucks! ... but don't be upset! find a way to do it!!! (and you know that, in the end you have to do it.... for the sake of the greater good of everything!!!)

I'm slowly (very slowly) acclimating. Our campus is beautiful... I'll get the website on the next post. There's birds i've never seen before, monkeys, little chipmunks, frogs (that luckily I hear but don't see) .... i keep pretending I'm in Jumanji. AAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!

With all the preparation they are taking us through (great speakers/research- leading the field in development work in India..., field trips and team/trust building games ) ..... the only thing I know is that this year is going to be one hell of a ride.

Vim/ Vish, have a great year at school! Miss you guys!

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