Tuesday, March 08, 2005


I think it's a good thing that I can't post pics up here. No one from home would recognize me anymore. My hair--> super long. Like longer than I've worn it in years. I am also crazy tan and losing weight from all this trekking around. However, the six-pack, as is perpetually my style, is still a work in progress, ever hindered by my love of peanut M&M's and ice cream. Some things never change. :)
I have also stopped apologizing for who I am. Hopefully, this is something that will stick.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So you're getting buff eh? well maybe i can get you an audition for American Gladiators, you just gotta pick a wierd name like ICE or ORANGEJULIUS. Well its a good thing you're growing your hair out cause me and Vish are looking pretty shaggy and I wouldn't want you to feel left out. Well thats about it, keep the faith.

-love ya