Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Bush's tax cuts will create jobs for the likes of diamond-tip cane polishers and monocle-smiths. John Hodgman of Daily Show


Memorial Day was spectacular- everything that summer should be (frisbee, BBQ, the beach, fireworks, helping mom garden, opening the pool, the patio bars in Chicago...) you couldn't force me inside if you paid me.

AND-- Bike the Drive was this past Sunday- so amazing! The CBF blocks cars off of Lake Shore Drive for a morning and allows only bicycles. Start to finish I did about 34 miles with four friends and 20,000 bikers (and, despite betting pools wagering otherwise, I didn't die)... (well, as far as I know).


As we let our light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others. --Marianne Williamson


Maximusdodo-ness said...

I have the distinct feeling you may have done something different...

Did you get a hair cut!

rd :)

rupal said...

nope. but I did just discover that my little brother has a superpower.... he can somehow give himself a haircut!

I'm in on your newest summer idea. Just pick a state and let me know when. :)