Monday, June 05, 2006

It's hard not to be upset with the world sometimes...

... especially when big systems make me feel small and helpless, like today. How do you stay positive and constructive and pushing forward? How do you choose your fight? How do you focus when there is so much to do?

The bill for a recent overnight hospitalization (not me) were just under $9,000! For people who have health insurance, it's usually covered. But what about those who are uninsured? The health insurance industry is a huge machine in the US. Does our current system cover and effectively watch out for the majority of the population? The thought that it may not upsets me.

Another thing that upsets me is general apathy and entitlement when it comes to the environment... everything seems to be getting bigger, more durable, and yet more disposable. I run in the mornings before the garbage is picked up, and over the past 2 weeks I've seen people throw away a foozball table, three tv's, a still-white sofa set, a not-broken sled, two mountain bikes... why don't they spend five minutes finding a place to donate this stuff? Or have a garage sale? Or sell it on Ebay? Is it laziness? I just don't get it. Maybe garbage dumps need to be more visible to show people that garbage doesn't just disappear? It makes me a bit angry.

but then Vince will remind me that nothing good comes from being angry. And Nikhil will remind me that I have to do as much as I can. ... maybe I have to learn how to let go of trying to be everywhere at once. I guess it's easier said than done.


Speaking of Vincenzo- Feel better soon buddy!!! I'm sorry you hurt. :( Huge hug to you.


Quote of the day: "Hey, what do you care about more: gay rights, immigration, or the effect of gay immigrants on gas prices?" (by someone anonymous, who may or may not be my brother...)

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