Friday, July 14, 2006

They say the universe conspires to give you what you ask for.

I think this is true- and even more true when you are specific. The people that get what they want are the people that can articulate what they want. I'm still learning, but I think I am getting better at envisioning the things I would like to see happen.

Two calls for help:

1. GRANTS: Anyone who either wants to learn to write one,
OR has some seasoned eyes to help me look over a grant,
OR just wants to spend some quality time with me while I write one.....
shoot me an email.

2. I'm currently co-writing a few shows. There's one I am especially excited about: Some of my most talented friends in Chicago, who also happen to be some of my favorite people, are reuniting for an end of the summer show. So... if anyone has an idea or issue they would like to see addressed onstage, shoot me an email.

In general, life has been a crazy learning curve for me as of recent... but in a good way. Life unravels as it should.

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